In July 7, 2022, the Regional Management of Forestry and Wildlife Development (GERFOR) approved the first Complementary Operational Plan PO1 – Parcela de Corta 64, which allows the sustainable use of non-timber forest products in our forest concession[1] (aguaje fruits, huasaí and shiringa exudate) for commercialisation purposes. This plan covers an extension of 2434.69 hectares, which is approximately equivalent to the total area of the district Cercado de Lima, in the city of Lima, Peru.
In order to develop the OP1, a forest inventory was conducted, in which 24 forest species were identified within the Parcela de Corta N° 64 (7,430 ha) and a forest census of 2,434 ha within the same Consolidated I – Tacsha concession, in which 27 forest species were identified. Both activities were supported by the participation of the GGF technical team and GGF collaborators from indigenous communities. Finally, the GERFOR specialists made a technical visit for the ocular inspection of the plot, in order to verify the species, individuals and vertices of the area declared in the technical dossier. For the development of these activities, GGF provided more than 80 work opportunities in Native Communities partners of the project “Sustainable Management of Forest Concessions” located in the Napo River Basin, Loreto.
This milestone marks the history of the forestry sector in Loreto, as the management instrument (Resolution N°219 – 2022-GRL-GGR-GRDFFS-UGFFSPM) provides a strategic reference framework for entities involved in the sustainable use of non-timber forest resources within a forest concession in Loreto. Furthermore, this initiative contributes to SDG 15[2], which establishes the need to preserve the planet by promoting the sustainable use of terrestrial
ecosystems through combating deforestation and land degradation. It is important to highlight that the main threat faced by these species is indiscriminate logging for fruit harvesting, drastically altering the goods and services offered by each palm tree. Therefore, the plan establishes as strategic lines the sustainable use of the resource through the use of palm tree climbing tools.